Why should I care? I asked myself in my early working days. I had mostly entry level jobs in retail, although I did one stint at an espresso stand in Seattle in the 1990s. That was the early days of coffee culture, when pulling espresso was an emerging art and talent. It was a job for rogues and creatives. The phrase “why should I care” has helped me in my leadership of teams and businesses. As leaders, when we help our coworkers connect with the reason and mission, we give meaning to the work. Connecting with the mission gives our teams motivation that results in better work. Organizations that lead with organizational purpose and a mission-driven focus outperform in a world where Gen Z is setting a high bar for the sustainability of the workplaces and for the businesses that they frequent. As a leader, what can you do to implement mission-driven leadership? Here are some ideas, but I am sure you have more.
There’s a wrinkle to all of this. Recently, I took a quick flight to Dallas to join a group of purpose-driven CEOs. We sat in a circle with our coffees and began to share. After many of us shared what we were doing to advance our purpose, one soft spoken man wearing a button down shirt with his company’s logo emblazed on the left pocket spoke up. He said: “no matter how mission driven we are, there are about five percent of people who want to come to work, get a paycheck and leave. That’s ok.” I think he made a good point. Not everyone will get on the purpose bus. All in all though, most people are looking for purpose in their lives. Implementing a mission-driven approach to work builds intrinsic motivation, makes it easy to get out of bed and makes the day have deep heart and meaning. Who doesn't want that? Al My Best, Brenna I love to write and share my passion for purpose driven leadership. Download your copy of my Purpose Power worksheet, which is designed to connect you with your own unique purpose. We can change the world together! Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash
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INSIGHTSA column about sustainable leadership. Archives
January 2025